Monday, November 9, 2009

Review Friday 13 November

We will have a cross-over review on Friday from 9.30 onwards with Unit 4 in the lower review space.
Requirements are as follows: 
1:500 site plan.
1:200 plan and sections
1:20/1:50 section
Interior/Exterior elevations
1:500 scheme outline
1:200 of communal spaces and their relationship to site
Interior/Exterior rendered perspective 
(sketch or hardline, you could combine this with the 1:50 section above to make a sectional perspective)
Axonometric describing how your building sits in the landscape.
Rendered sketches describing how your building sits in the landscape, (axonometrics work well as underlays for this), how one approaches your building from the landscape, how one moves through your building and how the landscape is experienced through your building.

Here are some of the references that cropped up at last Friday's review.

 3xn - Orestad College

(photography by Helene Binet)

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