Saturday, October 31, 2009

1:20 model and 100 words

The structure consists of rammed earth walls that support a "floating" timber roof. The idea is that the walls form a solid, heavy enclosure that is allowed to breakdown into the external space. The roof is a lighter wooden structure that is seperated from the heavy walls by clerestory windows. These allow light into the cabins from all four sides. The roof joists are exposed to the interior and continue out over the earth walls to form an overhang. The model investigates uses earth as a structural material and the type of space that is formed by thesse heavy walls and a floating roof.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Structural System

When making this model, I wanted to examine the relationship between the retaining wall next to the road and the structure that formed the facade of my building. I wanted quite a heavy structure beside the road so I decided to use a stone wall. Circular steel sections would then support the timber roof on both sides. Between the steel sections, I decided to place polycarbonate sheets which would provide a certain level of transparency between the external path and the internal room.

Another structure idea I thought about, was using a concrete retaining wall that supported the roof structure. This concrete wall would take the shape as seen in the photo. In certain places, the form would be broken to allow light into the room. This concrete section would also form seats along the road at certain points.

1:20 Model

I used my model to explore both the structure of my project, as well as the internal spaces and how they relate to each other, and the relationship of the building with the road. The section is taken right through the depth of the building.
The ground floor structure consists of reinforced conctrete columns and beams holding up concrete slabs on one side, with a heavy loadbearing wall beside the road. The upper storey bedroom is contained by a timber frame wall with sliding glass doors onto a balcony that cantilevers out over the courtyard, and a stud partition wall. The roof structure consists of glulam timbers.
Another thing I explored in my model was the series of thresholds leading from the outside to the inside. The person passes from the open courtyard to the semi-contained space underneath the overhang the overhang, to the interior space behind the sliding glass screen doors.

Tara Kennedy - 1:20 Model

Phaeno science centre, Zaha Hadid

Edwin you should check this project out, it's very similar to what you're trying to do in many ways!!

Model+100 Words

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sectional Perspective through building
1:20 model photo's

I used this model as an opportunity to explore the facade and the relationship between outside and inside.
My initial idea was to have a translucent facade to create an ambiguity between outside and inside through shadows and reflections.
Suspended fabric ceilings diffuse the artificial light so that it feels like the diffuse natural light passing through the translucent facade.
The structure is a steel frame on a 7m by 7m grid with steel trays forming a permanent formwork for the in-situ concrete slabs.
The facade is made of self supporting interlocking u-section glass with transparent insulation between so the glass wrapping insulates the building.
This glass facade sits away from the steel structure rather than sitting between the slabs.
Finally the ground floor has a loggia which may or may not have columns, if not the first floor slab will become a transfer slab for the upper structure.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My design consists of separate living and sleeping spaces and for this model I focused on the sleeping area, making a sectional model that cuts through the central passageway, an adjoining bedroom and an external courtyard (as indicated in the plan). I made this model at a scale of 1:10 so as to explore the quality of the spaces created by the type and location of the materials I chose. Using Alvar Aalto's Town Hall at Saynatsalo as a precedent, I decided to use exposed brick wall in both internal and external spaces as well as a guide along the main passageway, to create the illusion of a unified indoor and outdoor experience within the entire space.
  1. Plan of Sleeping Area, box indicates section represented in the model.
  2. Material quality of internal space (a bedroom with polished concrete walls).
  3. Detail of exposed brick wall showing the varied textures required for design concept.
  4. Photograph of model showing passageway, internal space (bedroom) and external courtyard (with figure). 

David Chipperfield models

Here are a few photos of David Chipperfields models that I took at an exhibition of his work.
I thought that the use of materials and how the models are made might be of interest to some.

Gallery project

Neues museum section

Hepworth gallery model

Museum of modern literature

Street insertion, Shanghai

Wind and Sails building

San Michele extension

Neues museum

Structure Model

The concept comprises of a number of interconnected lightweight timber frames similar to the structure above. The structures themselves comprise of various spaces which vary from being fully exposed to fully insulated: some spaces are sheltered only by a roof, others by semi-permeable louvred walls, others by glass, while the core spaces would be full insulated and removed from the outdoor environment. The main structural support is supplied by the extended roof rafters which anchor the building to the ground thus leaving the front walkway be suspended. The central "glass house" is structurally independent of its surroundings and is supported by concealed steel frame. The roof structure is a timber frame with copper standing seam cladding.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Work & references for week: 27-30 October

There was some really good work done on the 1:20 models and structure development. 
To develop this further, we're inviting an engineer, Peter Brunner in to work with us in studio on 11th of November...this will allow you to develop your structure further as your design progresses. 
He's been keeping an eye on the blog, so to prepare, could everyone post a photo of their 1:20 model and a brief  description (50-100 words) of their structure and how it relates to their design concept to the blog by 5pm Friday 27 Oct.

Studio will develop this week in line with the brief - ie: a consolidation of your site strategy. 
We will have group reviews on Friday 30th, at which you will need a
- 1:500 Site plan and site section
-1:500 model
- Landscape character study

Meanwhile, here's some references that popped up on Friday...feel free to add to this....

Furniture College, Letterfrack by O' Donnell & Tuomey Architects

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Review Friday 22 October

Unit 1 will have a joint review with Unit 2 at 2pm sharp in the upper review space. 

Bring your 1:20 model,  key drawing and relevant sketches to the review space in good time to begin at 2.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

References from Studio desk tutorials today

Rolex Learning Centre by SANAA - read the account of the structural problems they had in the first link - they wanted the roof to float, and for the load bearing structure to be 'invisible' the engineer came up with an ingenious solution involving dome construction...which allows the roof to 'float' and the spaces underneath to open up....which has similarities with

The Brazilian Pavilion for Expo '70 in Tokyo by Paulo Mendes da Rocha...another 'floating' concrete roof... then moving on to timber cladding with...

Wohnhaus Willimann Lotscher by Bearth & dePlazes - timber with zinc roofing...and maybe also

Wohnhaus Ritter-Gey also by Bearth & dePlazes...boardmarked charcoal concrete (for muireann)

and then more for the timber-structure people......

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Book Reference for Project this week.

Constructing Architecture - Materials, Processes, Structures - Andrea dePlazes (ed)

This week, you will be looking in detail at a section of your building and making a 1:20 model of this section. 
Anyone who hasn't come across this book before should take a will help a lot.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

References from Friday's Review

Here are some of the references mentioned at Friday's review....please add to this!

Patkau Architects - Seabird Island School, Agassiz, British Columbia (1988-1991) - modular timber frame construction.....which brought us to 

Walter Segal...who espoused a form of modular self-build timber frame construction for social housing in England...then we moved on to discussing 

Bohermore House by Boyd Cody Architects, Graiguenamanagh, County Kilkenny, 2008  (Photo by Paul Tierney)
5 volumes that increase in width and height down a hillside...and then we digressed with a bit of 

Cedric Price and his Fun Palace and maybe also the

Aviary for London Zoo, also by Price, designed with Lord Snowdon and Frank Newby.