Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Work & references for week: 27-30 October

There was some really good work done on the 1:20 models and structure development. 
To develop this further, we're inviting an engineer, Peter Brunner in to work with us in studio on 11th of November...this will allow you to develop your structure further as your design progresses. 
He's been keeping an eye on the blog, so to prepare, could everyone post a photo of their 1:20 model and a brief  description (50-100 words) of their structure and how it relates to their design concept to the blog by 5pm Friday 27 Oct.

Studio will develop this week in line with the brief - ie: a consolidation of your site strategy. 
We will have group reviews on Friday 30th, at which you will need a
- 1:500 Site plan and site section
-1:500 model
- Landscape character study

Meanwhile, here's some references that popped up on Friday...feel free to add to this....

Furniture College, Letterfrack by O' Donnell & Tuomey Architects

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I'd appreciate if you can give me some feedback on our site: www.regencyshop.com

    I realize that you are home decor-modern design connoisseur :) I'd like to hear your opinion/feedback on our products. Also, it'd be swell if you can place our Le Corbusier link on your blog.

    Thank you,

